roofing options to prevent snow avalanches

Four Hidden Roof Problems That May Be Causing Damage To Your Home

The materials and roofing systems on your home protect your home from the elements. They help to keep water out of your home, and include ventilation to allow your roof to breath and make your home energy efficient. These systems work together to protect your home, but when they, fail they can cause many different problems, from rotten rafters to small water leaks, which can lead to mold and mildew. Sometimes these problems may be hidden in walls or the attic of your home. Read More 

6 Ways To Get A Long Life From Your Metal Roof

Your metal roof could last from 40 to 80 years, which can make it the only roof you ever put on your home. The longevity of your roof depends on the weather in your location, and how well you keep the roof maintained. There are few things you need to do to keep your roof in good shape. Some of the work you can do, but much of it should be done by a licensed roofing company experienced with metal roofs. Read More 

How To Remove And Prevent Roof Stains

Of all the parts of your home that are easy to ignore, your roof is definitely one of them. Most of the time, it's completely out of sight, and you may not be aware that problems are even occurring. Shaded areas can cause mold to grow, which will cause stains across your roof. Thankfully, keeping a roof free and clear of mold and stains is easy if you follow these tips. Read More 

Leaky Roof? Save Time And Money By Locating The Leaks Before You Call The Roofing Contractor

It's raining and you just noticed a wet spot on your ceiling. You know you have a leaky roof. Now you're going to have to find the leak. Unfortunately, that can be like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack. Most leaks hide under your shingles, which means you're going to have to work to find the exact location. You could have your roofing company find the leak, but that's going to take time and cost you additional money. Read More