roofing options to prevent snow avalanches

How To Replace Asphalt Roof Ridge Shingles

If you have a sloped roof with a ridge, the shingles can easily get damaged from wind and rain. A ridge is where two sections of roof meet. Ridge caps prevent moisture from getting inside, but they are prone to wear out from getting wet. It isn't hard to fix asphalt ridge caps for anyone who doesn't mind heights. Here are tips to replace asphalt ridge caps. Prepare to Work Read More 

2 Ways To Make Your Roof Last Longer

Your roof is a major investment in your house. That means when you get a new one, you want to make sure that it lasts as long as possible, in as good a shape as possible. Keeping your roof in good shape for a long time is easy if you do just a few simple things.  Keep Your Gutters Clean The gutters aren't there to just look pretty; they are there to make sure water and debris get collected and taken away from your roof. Read More 

3 Roofing Tips To Get Your Home Through The Winter

Winter can be a fun season if you enjoy a good snowball fight, but there's nothing fun about Mother Nature wrecking havoc on the roof of your home. It's important as a homeowner to keep an eye on your roofing throughout the year, but you'll need to be especially diligent during the winter if you want to keep everything in one piece. Here are 3 winter roofing tips that should allow you and your home to make it through to spring unscathed. Read More 

Tips For Identifying A Regency Home – And How To Choose The Best Roofing Material

There are a few different residential architectural styles that involve large, highly symmetrical homes, which can make identifying the name of your particular home a bit difficult. If you suspect you have a Regency style home, there are some tips to help you narrow the field down to this one style. Knowing your home is a Regency can help you determine the best roofing materials when working with roofing contractors on a roof repair project. Read More 

Three Signs Your Flat Commercial Roof Has Reached Its End

Flat commercial roofs can last for many years if you keep up with maintenance and have them inspected and resealed regularly. But every flat roof does reach the end of its life eventually. Here are three signs it's time to replace your commercial roof. Your repair costs are stacking up. Having to do minor repairs on a flat roof every few years is pretty standard. But if you're having to call the roofing company every few months to seal up a leak or reattach the flashing, you may be better off replacing the roof in the long-term. Read More