roofing options to prevent snow avalanches

Adding A Rubber Roof To A Trailer

If you have a flat-topped trailer, upkeep of your roof is necessary as debris does not fall as it would with a pitched roof. Because of this, many opt to place rubber roofing on their trailers so there is little risk of leaking from materials that may sit on top of the trailer for a while. When you use shingles, material can be trapped in between them, making it easier for leaks to occur without proper water runoff. Read More 

What You Should Know About Roof Drains

In order to protect your roofing surface and home structure, you might want to have roof drains installed. They are an excellent way to keep water away from your home's surface to protect it. Here is more information about roof drains and how they are installed. Choosing the Right Size Roof Drain First of all, it is very important that you choose the right size roof drains. The size will be determined by the size of your roof and how much area water will be a risk to. Read More 

Using A Makeshift Chute System When Your Leaking Roof Turns Into An Indoor Waterfall

During a severe thunderstorm one night, you may have discovered a waterfall coming from your leaking roof down your walls. Although you may not be able to do much about the roof or your walls, you can use this makeshift chute system to trap the water and prevent it from damaging your floors and furniture. What You Will Need Gather the following supplies for making one chute system. If you have more than one leak in your home, use the list to make each one. Read More 

3 Roof Repairs That Can Keep Your Roof Safe

Needing to have your roof rebuilt can cost a fortune, which can create major financial issues and much stress. This event can be caused by lack of roof maintenance or failing to have your roof repaired when small areas of damage are present. To ensure you avoid having to deal with costly and major roof damages, you will definitely want to take advantage of routine roof repair services from a local roofing contractor. Read More 

What Are The Different Types Of Materials Used For Making Tile Roofing?

Tile roofing is one of the most durable and stylish types of roofing available on the market today. Tile roofing is excellent at keeping your home warm and dry during cold rainy weather and also makes cooling your home easier during the hot months of summer. Once installed, tile roofing requires very little maintenance and usually lasts just as long as the structure it is on. These are some of the different types of tile roofing that are installed on both residential and commercial buildings. Read More